Experiences at the water’s edge

Nature adventures in Os

The Os river and the islands around the fjords offer fantastic scenery and experiences – and you don’t need to own a boat to get a taste of what Os can offer if you want to fish, dive, swim or just enjoy Os from the sea.

Canoe and kayak rental

ER-AN Auto Tel. +47 56 30 71 75 Hegglandsdalen Idrettslag Tel. + 47 920 97 051/477 55 278 Bunnpris Vedholmen Tel. +47 56 30 54 10/934 06 396 PADDLING TROPHIES Arr.: Hegglandsdalen Idrettslag v/Tore Njøten (920 97 051) og Card can be bought at Jernia P. M. Sælen Os town centre Tel. +47 56 30 44 90. Price: NOK 150

To receive the trophy “Storskarven” paddle to: Storeskarven, Skorpo, Fløholmen, Sandholmane, Børøya and Havsgård.

Diving Services

Os Dykkerklubb Oselvarverkstaden
Os sentrum Tlf. +47 913 26 601

Boat rental:

Boats 15-22 feet.
Os Båtutleie A/S
Tel: +47 988 35 877


New Princess V42, 11 passengers.
Tel. +47 56 30 82 98/988 82 220

Strønen’s Båtservice Turbåtar

Tel. +47 56 30 82 98/988 82 220

Boat transport:

Vinnes Skyssbåtservice
Tel. +47 56 58 22 25/970 54 571